This site is an amalgamation of a number of my hobbies. The majority is given over to an extensive gallery of images of my collection of Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror garage kits - currently standing at over 680 pictures of over 170 individual pieces - all painstakingly assembled and painted over a considerable number of years! There is also a much smaller gallery of some computer generated images I have produced, but have had little time to pursue lately. Finally there's a selection of free screen savers for Windows that I've written - again with a largely sci-fi theme...
small print small print small print small print small print small print small print
This site is best viewed with a web browser. Probably Microscape Expigator...
But if you really want to, you can use a text editor.
This offer good for one week only. Height restrictions may apply. Not intended
for use in hazardous environments such as nuclear facilities, air traffic
control, weapons guidance or life support systems. Remain seated with your
seatbelt fastened until the vehicle has come to a complete stop. Batteries not
included. Flash photography prohibited. Your milage may vary. No change given.
All sales are final. Contents may settle in transit. Display model for
demonstration purposes only. Not recommended for those of a nervous
disposition. No shirt, no shoes, no service. May contain traces of nuts.
Refrigerate after opening. Slippery when wet.
small print small print small print small print small print small print small print